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Georgia Wood Preserving buys bright lumber exclusively from large mills where quality is top priority.

For our inventory, we stock #3 grade mark lumber from 2x4 thru 2x12 in lengths of 8' to 16'.

Below is a product listing of the items we keep in inventory. Our #3 grade mark lumber is certified #3 grade mark, no #3 - #4 mix is acceptable.

Georgia Wood Preserving Company, Inc.
Product Listing

Grade MarkItemLengthsPack Size(s)PCF Retention*
# 32 x 48' - 16'1920.25
# 32 x 68' - 20'1280.25
# 32 x 88' - 20'96 0.25
# 32 x 108' - 16'75, 800.25
# 32 x 128' - 16'60, 64 0.25
# 34 x 48' - 16'60, 72 0.40
# 24 x 68' - 16'40 0.40
# 2 NGM5/4 x 68' - 16'160, 1760.25
# 21 x 48', 10', 12', 16'3000.25
# 21 x 68', 10', 12', 16'2000.25
# 21 x 812'1500.25

*PCF Retention stands for oxide pounds of CCA retained per cubic foot of lumber. All two and one inch lumber (2 x 6, 1 x 4, etc.) have a retention rate of 0.25 which makes the treated lumber suitable for above ground use. All timbers (4 x 4 & 4 x 6) are treated for ground contact at 0.40 oxide pounds per cubic foot.